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- From: John_-_Winston@cup.portal.com
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.religion.kibology,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Ashtar's Information.
- Date: 30 Jul 93 13:31:35 GMT
- Organization: The Portal System (TM)
- Subject: Ashtar Tells Them What`s What's.
- This is the information that I was referring to on the net
- that was talking about Ashtar's information. I never did get
- permission yet to repost it. Sorry about that. JW.
- Translations from Ashtar
- Telepathic Communications - To Tom H. Smith of Spirit-Earth
- Government To Soon Acknowledge ET Existence
- July 13, 1993
- I anticipate that your government will begin releasing bits of
- information about the existence of extra-terrestrials by October or
- November of this year. They wish to do this on a gradual basis until
- you get used to the idea. They are wanting to test the public's
- reactions. If they are favorable, they may move a little faster. They
- are already trying to market the information now in very subtle ways.
- They will accelerate this.
- They are selecting these times because of some major shifts in the
- Earth's energies that are beginning to occur. There is a high
- probability that the Earth is going to expose one or two secret
- government and negative ET underground bases with her changes. These
- will essentially be destroyed. Some in your government are suspecting
- this may occur, so they want to prepare the public for what they may
- "accidentally" see. Of course they will not be telling a great deal of
- truth, but it will still mark the "official" beginning of their
- acknowledgement of the ET existence.
- You will not be told of the true extent of your government's knowledge
- or involvement. They will never tell you the complete story. You will
- be told enough truth to help verify what the government is talking
- about. Except for the havoc caused by the Earth changes, most of what
- is said will be fabricated public relations campaigns. They have had
- most of these stories "worked up" for some time. They will enlist the
- aid of some very patriotic individuals who most of the public will
- very much identify with. It will be someone with a good public image
- and even looked up to. This is part of their packaging. Do not be
- taken in by personalities, but discern for yourself what is happening.
- Many people keep raising the questions about the real existence of
- ET's, and why the government has not stepped forward as many of us
- have suggested they would. This will be their opportunity to "finally"
- believe, because you know your Uncle Sam would not tell you a lie.
- Most of the people will completely accept what you will be told. You
- may even be shown your first official photographs by December or
- January, depending again on how accepting the public is. Your
- government is going to attempt to create fear in your minds, but in a
- very subtle way. Overtly, they will say there is no cause for alarm
- and that their contacts with them have all been peaceful. But they
- will market this in such a way to leave doubts of fear in your mind by
- leaving big gaps in what is being said, including the unspoken
- potential harm to all on the Earth.
- Your scientific community will be invited to come forward and share in
- the technologies. This will basically be a sham. There are
- considerable "old" surplus technologies that can be used to pacify the
- scientific element for a while. All the while these individuals will
- be subjected to various mind control techniques to keep them under
- control and out of the way of the real issues. It is a well conceived
- and thought out plan between your government and the negative ET's.
- The only fly in the ointment may be what could be revealed to the
- public as a result of the Earth changes. The government will have much
- difficulty controlling the outgrowth of these situations.
- Since they are not 100% certain what Earth changes will happen, or
- even where they will happen, they cannot be completely prepared for
- what the Earth will do. We feel the Earth is going to be very forceful
- with her cleansing efforts in some of the highly negative areas, both
- below the surface and above. Naturally most of what is below the
- surface will be entombed there. But parts of this may very well be
- exposed, if the right individuals just "happen" to be at the right
- spot.
- There will also be massive sightings of the craft starting around
- January 1994. There will no doubt be considerable sightings of the
- negative ET crafts to coincide with some of the government releasals.
- Most of the public will not be able to distinguish between the various
- types. The negatives' will capitalize on this. There will also be an
- increase in abductions of the negative type. This will serve to keep a
- heightened level of fear among those who become aware of these
- activities. The government will deny these activities, though. For
- those who are currently skeptical and who will remain close to the
- various activities and government denials, these should be able to
- easily and "logically" see what the government is up to. Most others
- will not.
- This is the most current information of this type we can offer. I will
- advise you of any significant changes, or with new information as I
- feel it is appropriate. I leave in love for each of you and for the
- One Infinite Creator.
- Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command
- ---
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- JW So that's what he said.
- Source Of Information: Glenda.
- John Winston.